Plat Admin

editUser.vue 11KB

    <template> <el-dialog :title="operateM.tit" :visible.sync="userDialogVisible"> <el-form :model="userForm" :rules="userRules" ref="userForm" class="form-main" label-width="80px"> <el-row :gutter="20"> <el-col :span="24"> <el-form-item v-if="activeShow" label="账号状态"> <span>{{actived?'正常账号':'停用账号'}}</span> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col :span="item.span||''" v-for="item in formItem" :key="item.index"> <el-form-item v-if="readonlyShow && !item.right" v-show="userForm[item.prop]" :label="item.tit"> <span>{{userForm[item.prop]}}</span> </el-form-item> <el-form-item v-if="!readonlyShow && !item.right" :label="item.tit" :prop="item.prop"> <el-input v-model="userForm[item.prop]" :placeholder="`请填写${item.tit}`" :maxlength="item.num||''"></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item v-if="readonlyShow && viewShow && item.right" v-show="userForm[item.prop]" label="权限"> <span>{{rightCodeShow(userForm[item.prop])}}</span> </el-form-item> <el-form-item v-if="item.right && !activeShow && !viewShow" :prop="item.prop" label-width="0"> <template> <el-card shadow="never"> <div class="card-title" slot="header"> <span>{{item.tit}}</span> </div> <el-checkbox-group v-model="userForm[item.prop]" :min="1" :max="moduleOption.length" @change="handleCheckedChange"> <el-checkbox v-for="mod in moduleOption" :label="" :key="mod.index">{{}}</el-checkbox> </el-checkbox-group> </el-card> </template> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col :span="24" class="el-btn-col"> <div class="el-btn-col-box"> <el-button v-if="viewShow" type="primary" @click="userDialogVisible=false">确定</el-button> <el-button v-else type="primary" @click="submitForm('userForm')">保存</el-button> </div> </el-col> <el-col :span="24" v-if="timeShow"> <el-form-item align="right"> <span>创建时间: {{createTime}}</span> </el-form-item> </el-col> </el-row> </el-form> </el-dialog> </template> <script> import { parseTime } from '@/utils' import { requiredTip, limitNumTip, checkEmailV } from '@/utils/validator' import { existUser, addUser, updateUser, updatePermission, queryUserOne } from '@/api/sysSetting' export default { props: ['operateM'], data() { return { userDialogVisible: false, moduleOption: [ { id: '1', name: '内容发布' }, { id: '2', name: '特约专家' }, { id: '3', name: '合作机构' }, { id: '4', name: '企业中心' }, { id: '5', name: '平台信息' }, { id: '6', name: '用户信息' }, { id: '7', name: '需求中心' }, { id: '8', name: '统计' } ], userId: '', actived: 0, oldAccount: '', createTime: '', formItem: [ { span: 12, prop: 'account', tit: '账号', num: 20, required: true }, { span: 12, prop: 'name', tit: '用户名', required: true }, { span: 12, prop: 'phone', tit: '联系电话', num: 20, required: true }, { span: 12, prop: 'email', tit: '联系邮箱', num: 50 }, { span: 12, prop: 'job', tit: '职位', num: 20 }, { span: 12, prop: 'dep', tit: '所在部门', num: 20 }, { span: 24, prop: 'comp', tit: '所在机构', num: 50 }, { span: 24, prop: 'rightCode', tit: '分配权限', right: true, required: true } ], userForm: { account: '', name: '', phone: '', email: '', job: '', dep: '', comp: '', rightCode: [] }, userRules: {} } }, computed: { readonlyShow() { if (this.operateM.type === 'right' || this.operateM.type === 'view') { return true } else { return false } }, viewShow() { return this.operateM.type === 'view' || false }, activeShow() { return this.operateM.type === 'edit' || false }, timeShow() { return this.operateM.type !== 'add' || false } }, watch: { userDialogVisible(val) { !val && setTimeout(() => { if (!this.operateM.type === 'right') { this.$refs['userForm'].resetFields() } this.$refs['userForm'].clearValidate() }, 0) } }, created() { this.pushRulesFn() }, methods: { getUserDetail(id) { var that = this that.userId = id if (that.userId) { that.$http.get(queryUserOne, { id: that.userId }, function(res) { if (res.success) { const opeRow = if (opeRow.createTime) { that.createTime = parseTime(opeRow.createTime) } that.actived = opeRow.actived that.oldAccount = opeRow.account that.userForm = { account: opeRow.account, name:, phone:, email:, job: opeRow.job, dep: opeRow.dep, comp: opeRow.comp, rightCode: opeRow.rightCode ? opeRow.rightCode : [] } } }) } else { this.actived = 0 this.createTime = '' this.userForm = { account: '', name: '', phone: '', email: '', job: '', dep: '', comp: '', rightCode: [] } } setTimeout(function() { that.userDialogVisible = true }, 0) }, pushRulesFn() { const formItem = this.formItem const userRules = this.userRules for (let i = 0; i < formItem.length; ++i) { const ru = [] if (formItem[i].required) { ru.push({ required: true, message: requiredTip(formItem[i].tit), trigger: 'blur' }) } if (formItem[i].num) { ru.push({ max: formItem[i].num, message: limitNumTip(formItem[i].tit, formItem[i].num), trigger: 'blur, change' }) } switch (formItem[i].prop) { case 'email': ru.push({ validator: checkEmailV, trigger: 'blur' }) break } userRules[formItem[i].prop] = ru } }, isExistUserFn(fn) { var that = this var opeRow = that.userForm this.$http.get(existUser, { account: opeRow.account }, function(res) { if (res.success) { if ( { that.$message({ message: '账户已存在,请重新输入', type: 'warning' }) return false } else { fn() } } }) }, rightCodeShow(code) { if (!code) { return } var codeShow = [] for (let i = 0; i < code.length; ++i) { const nowC = this.moduleOption.find((item) => { return === code[i] }) codeShow.push( } return codeShow.join(',') }, submitForm(formName) { var that = this this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => { if (valid) { var opeRow = that.userForm var paramsData = { account: opeRow.account, name:, phone:, email:, job: opeRow.job, dep: opeRow.dep, comp: opeRow.comp, rightCode: opeRow.rightCode } if (that.operateM.type === 'add') { that.isExistUserFn(function() { that.$, paramsData, function(res) { if (res.success) { that.successFun() } }) }) } else if (that.operateM.type === 'edit') { const paramsId = { id: that.userId } const obj = Object.assign(paramsId, paramsData) if (that.oldAccount === opeRow.account) { that.$http.put(updateUser, obj, function(res) { if (res.success) { that.successFun() } }) } else { that.isExistUserFn(function() { that.$http.put(updateUser, obj, function(res) { if (res.success) { that.successFun() } }) }) } } else if (that.operateM.type === 'right') { that.$http.put(updatePermission + that.userId, opeRow.rightCode, function(res) { if (res.success) { that.successFun() } }) } } else { return false } }) }, successFun() { this.userDialogVisible = false this.$refs['userForm'].resetFields() this.$parent.dialogChanged() }, handleCheckedChange(value) { this.userForm.rightCode = value } } } </script> <style rel="stylesheet/scss" lang="scss"> .el-card__header{ padding: 8px 15px; .card-title{ font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; span:before{ content: '*'; color: #f56c6c; margin-right: 4px; } } } .el-checkbox-group{ .el-checkbox{ font-size: 16px; margin: 10px 60px; .el-checkbox__inner{ width: 16px; height: 16px; } .el-checkbox__inner::after{ left:5px; top:2px; } .el-checkbox__label{ line-height:24px; font-size:16px; } } } </style>