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    <template> <div class="app-container"> <div class="filter-container" style="margin-bottom:20px"> <el-input style="width: 200px;" class="filter-item" placeholder="所属桥梁编号" v-model="listQuery.bcode"> </el-input> <el-input style="width: 200px;" class="filter-item" placeholder="服务器编号" v-model="listQuery.code"> </el-input> <el-button v-waves class="filter-item" style="margin-left: 10px;" @click="handleFilter" type="primary" icon="el-icon-search">查找</el-button> <el-button v-waves class="filter-item" style="margin-left: 10px;" @click="handleCreate" type="primary" icon="el-icon-edit">添加服务器</el-button> </div> <el-table :key='tableKey' :data="list" v-loading="listLoading" border fit highlight-current-row style="width: 100%;min-height:550px;"> <el-table-column width="150px" align="center" label="服务器编号" prop="code"></el-table-column> <el-table-column width="150px" align="center" label="采集盒数量" prop="devices"></el-table-column> <el-table-column min-width="150px" align="center" label="所属桥梁" prop="bridgeName"></el-table-column> <el-table-column min-width="200px" align="center" label="备注信息" prop="remark"></el-table-column> <el-table-column align="center" label="操作" width="230" class-name="small-padding fixed-width"> <template slot-scope="scope"> <el-button v-waves type="primary" size="mini" @click="handleUpdate(scope.row)">编辑</el-button> <el-button v-waves size="mini" type="danger" @click="handleModifyStatus(scope.row,'deleted')">删除 </el-button> </template> </el-table-column> </el-table> <el-dialog title="采集服务器配置" ref="ruleForm" :visible.sync="dialogTableVisible" width="860px" @close='closed'> <el-form :model="ruleForm2" :rules="rules2" ref="ruleForm2" class="form-main" label-position='right' status-icon> <el-row> <el-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="服务器编号" prop="code"> <el-input placeholder="请输入服务器编号" v-model="ruleForm2.code"></el-input> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="采集盒数量" prop="devices"> <el-input placeholder="请输入采集盒数量" v-model="ruleForm2.devices"></el-input> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="所属桥梁" prop="bridge"> <el-autocomplete v-model="ruleForm2.bridge" :fetch-suggestions="querySearchAsync" placeholder="请选择所属桥梁" @select="handleSelect"> </el-autocomplete> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col :span="12"> <el-form-item label="内部编号" prop="seq"> <el-input placeholder="请输入内部编号" v-model="ruleForm2.seq"></el-input> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col :span="24" > <el-form-item label="备注" prop="remark"> <el-input type="textarea" maxlength=100 v-model="ruleForm2.remark" rows=4></el-input> </el-form-item> </el-col> <el-col :span="24" class="el-btn-col"> <div class="el-btn-col-box"> <el-button v-waves type="primary" @click="submitForm('ruleForm2')">确认</el-button> <el-button v-waves type="info" @click="resetForm('ruleForm2')">返回</el-button> </div> </el-col> </el-row> </el-form> </el-dialog> <div class="pagination-container" style="text-align:center;"> <el-pagination background @size-change="handleSizeChange" @current-change="handleCurrentChange" :current-page="listQuery.pageNo" :page-size="listQuery.pageSize" layout="prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="total"> </el-pagination> </div> </div> </template> <script> import { addDevice, updateDevice, deleteDevice, pageQueryDevice, DeviceOfservice, checkDeviceCode, checkDeviceInternalCode } from '@/api/server' import waves from '@/directive/waves' import queryBase from '@/utils/queryBase' export default { name: 'complexTable', directives: { waves }, data() { var bridge = (rule, value, callback) => { const that = this setTimeout(function() { if (that.ruleForm2.bridge === '' || that.ruleForm2.bridgeId === '') { callback(new Error('请选择所属桥梁')) } else { callback() } }, 300) } var seq = (rule, value, callback) => { if (value === '') { callback(new Error('请输入内部编号')) } else { if (!this.ruleForm2.bridgeId) { callback('请先选择所属桥梁') return } if (this.edit) { checkDeviceInternalCode({ seq: value, id: this.edit, bridgeId: this.ruleForm2.bridgeId, active: 1 }).then(response => { if ( { callback(new Error('内部编号已存在,请重新输入')) } else { callback() } }) } else { checkDeviceInternalCode({ seq: value, bridgeId: this.ruleForm2.bridgeId, active: 1 }).then(response => { if ( { callback(new Error('内部编号已存在,请重新输入')) } else { callback() } }) } } } var code = (rule, value, callback) => { if (value === '') { callback(new Error('请输入服务器编号')) } else { if (this.edit) { checkDeviceCode({ code: value, id: this.edit, active: 1 }).then(response => { if ( { callback(new Error('服务器编号已存在,请重新输入')) } else { callback() } }) } else { checkDeviceCode({ code: value, active: 1 }).then(response => { if ( { callback(new Error('服务器编号已存在,请重新输入')) } else { callback() } }) } } } return { edit: '', ruleForm2: { code: '', bridge: '', seq: '', bridgeId: '', remark: '', devices: '' }, rules2: { code: [ { required: true, validator: code, trigger: 'blur' } ], bridge: [ { required: true, validator: bridge, trigger: 'blur' } ], devices: [ { required: true, message: '请输入采集盒数量', trigger: 'blur' } ], seq: [ { required: true, validator: seq, trigger: 'blur' } ] }, timeout: null, dialogTableVisible: false, tableKey: 0, list: null, total: null, listLoading: true, listQuery: { bcode: '', code: '', active: 1, pageSize: 10, pageNo: 1 } } }, filters: { typeFilter(type) { } }, created() { this.getList() }, methods: { submitForm(formName) { const that = this this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) => { if (valid) { if (!this.edit) { addDevice(this.ruleForm2).then(response => { if (response.success) { this.getList() setTimeout(function() { that.pop('已成功添加服务器') }, 1000) this.resetForm('ruleForm2') this.dialogTableVisible = false } }).catch(error => { console.log(error) }) } else { const par = this.ruleForm2 = this.edit updateDevice(par).then(response => { if (response.success) { setTimeout(function() { that.pop('已成功更新服务器') }, 1000) this.resetForm('ruleForm2') this.getList() this.dialogTableVisible = false this.edit = '' this.ruleForm2 = { code: '', bridge: '', seq: '', bridgeId: '', devices: '', remark: '' } } }) } } }) }, resetForm(formName) { this.dialogTableVisible = false this.$refs[formName].resetFields() this.edit = '' }, closed() { this.$refs['ruleForm2'].resetFields() this.edit = '' }, getList() { var that = this this.listLoading = true pageQueryDevice(this.listQuery).then(response => { if (response.success) { const $data = var hdata = { num: 1, data: $data } for (let i = 0; i < $data.length; i++) { hdata.num++ const str = $data[i] queryBase.getBridge(str.bridgeId, function(sc, value) { if (sc) { str.bridgeName = value.shortName hdata.num-- if (hdata.num === 0) { that.list = } } }) } hdata.num-- if (hdata.num === 0) { that.list = } = setTimeout(() => { that.listLoading = false }, 1.5 * 1000) } }) }, handleFilter() { this.listQuery.pageNo = 1 this.getList() }, handleSizeChange(val) { this.listQuery.pageSize = val this.getList() }, handleCurrentChange(val) { this.listQuery.pageNo = val this.getList() }, handleModifyStatus(row, status) { this.$confirm('确实要删除:服务器' + row.code + '吗?', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning', center: true }).then(() => { deleteDevice({ id: }).then(response => { if (response.success) { this.getList() this.pop('已成功删除该服务器') } }) }).catch(() => { }) }, pop($par) { this.$confirm($par, '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'success', showCancelButton: false, center: true }).then(() => { }).catch(() => { }) }, resetTemp(row) { this.ruleForm2 = { code: row.code, bridge: row.bridgeName, seq: row.seq, bridgeId: row.bridgeId, devices: row.devices, remark: row.remark } this.edit = }, handleCreate() { this.dialogTableVisible = true }, handleUpdate(row) { const that = this setTimeout(function() { that.resetTemp(row) }, 500) this.dialogTableVisible = true }, querySearchAsync(queryString, cb) { this.ruleForm2.bridgeId = '' clearTimeout(this.timeout) this.timeout = setTimeout(() => { DeviceOfservice({ key: this.ruleForm2.bridge, active: 1 }).then(response => { const $info = if ($info.length) { const $data = $ => { return { 'value': item.shortName, 'id': } }) cb($data) if ($info.length === 1 && this.ruleForm2.bridge === $info[0].shortName) { this.ruleForm2.bridgeId = $info[0].id } else { this.ruleForm2.bridgeId = '' } } else { cb([]) } }) }, 3000 * Math.random()) }, handleSelect(item) { this.ruleForm2.bridgeId = } } } </script> <style rel="stylesheet/scss" lang="scss" scoped> .el-autocomplete{ display: block } .el-btn-col{ margin-top: 45px } .el-form-item{ margin: 0px 10px } .el-select{ width: 100% } .el-col{ margin-bottom: 15px } .el-form-item__label{ padding: 0px } </style>