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    <template> <div class="dashboard-editor-container"> <BInfoDialog01 ref="BInfoDialog01"></BInfoDialog01> <BInfoDialog02 ref="BInfoDialog02"></BInfoDialog02> <BInfoDialog03 ref="BInfoDialog03"></BInfoDialog03> <BInfoDialog04 ref="BInfoDialog04"></BInfoDialog04> <updatePersonInfo ref="updatePersonInfo"></updatePersonInfo> <updateLoginPwd ref="updateLoginPwd"></updateLoginPwd> <el-row :gutter="20"> <el-col :xs="24" :sm="15" :lg="18"> <el-card class="box-card block-group"> <div slot="header" class="block-title"> <span>报警信息</span> <el-button type="text" @click="queryDangerInfo">查看全部</el-button> </div> <div class="load-box" v-loading="loadprogress1"> <ul class="item-ul" v-if="dangerList.length"> <li :class="!item.readed ? 'readed-li' : ''" v-for="item in dangerList" :key="item.index" @click="alarmShow(item.aid, item.readed, item.alarmTime, item.device)"> <span>{{item.alarmTime}}</span> <span>{{item.device}},请点击查看。</span> <span class="svg-container" v-if="!item.readed"> <svg-icon icon-class="unread"></svg-icon> </span> </li> </ul> <DefaultPage v-if="!dangerList.length && !loadprogress1"></DefaultPage> </div> </el-card> <el-card class="box-card block-group"> <div slot="header" class="block-title"> <span>实时监测</span> <el-button v-if="serverSeqArr.length" type="text" @click="updateDataList">刷新</el-button> </div> <div class="load-box" v-loading="loadprogress2"> <el-row class="line-chart-box" v-if="monitorList.length"> <el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :lg="24" v-for="item in monitorShowList" :key="item.index"> <lineChart :chartData="item" :maxXcount="maxShowLength"></lineChart> </el-col> </el-row> <DefaultPage v-if="!monitorList.length && !loadprogress2"></DefaultPage> </div> <div class="pagination-container"> <el-pagination background @current-change="handleCurrentChange" :current-page.sync="currentNo" :page-size="currentSize" layout="prev, pager, next, jumper" :total="this.monitorList.length"> </el-pagination> </div> </el-card> </el-col> <el-col :xs="24" :sm="9" :lg="6"> <el-card class="box-card block-group"> <div slot="header" class="block-title"> <span>基础信息查看</span> </div> <el-row :gutter="10" class="item-row"> <el-col :span="12"><div class="grid-content" @click="queryBirdgeInfo">桥梁信息</div></el-col> <el-col :span="12"><div class="grid-content" @click="queryServerInfo">采集服务器信息</div></el-col> <el-col :span="12"><div class="grid-content" @click="queryBoxInfo">采集盒信息</div></el-col> <el-col :span="12"><div class="grid-content" @click="querySensorInfo">传感器信息</div></el-col> </el-row> </el-card> <el-card class="box-card block-group"> <div slot="header" class="block-title"> <span>常用操作</span> </div> <el-row :gutter="10" class="item-row"> <el-col :span="12"><div class="grid-content" @click="queryDangerInfo">历史报警信息查询</div></el-col> <el-col :span="12"><div class="grid-content" @click="queryMonitorInfo">历史监测信息查询</div></el-col> <el-col :span="12"><div class="grid-content" @click="updatePersonInfo">修改个人信息</div></el-col> <el-col :span="12"><div class="grid-content" @click="updateLoginPwd">修改登录密码</div></el-col> </el-row> </el-card> </el-col> </el-row> </div> </template> <script> import '@/styles/roleuser.scss' import Cookies from 'js-cookie' import queryInfo from '@/utils/queryInfo' import queryDict from '@/utils/queryDict' import monModel from '@/utils/timingConstruct' import { urlParse, parseTime, isEqualArr } from '@/utils' import { getDangerList, getSysTime, getMonitorByTime } from '@/api/bridgeInfo' import lineChart from '../lineChart/LineChart' import BInfoDialog01 from './components/BInfoDialog01' import BInfoDialog02 from './components/BInfoDialog02' import BInfoDialog03 from './components/BInfoDialog03' import BInfoDialog04 from './components/BInfoDialog04' import updatePersonInfo from './components/updatePersonInfo' import updateLoginPwd from './components/updateLoginPwd' import DefaultPage from '@/components/DefaultPage' export default { name: 'dashboard-other', components: { lineChart, BInfoDialog01, BInfoDialog02, BInfoDialog03, BInfoDialog04, updatePersonInfo, updateLoginPwd, DefaultPage }, data() { return { loadprogress1: true, loadprogress2: true, bridgeId: '', bridgeName: '', dialogW: '860px', citys: {}, cableMain: {}, addr: {}, dangerList: '', dangerAidArr: [], first_Dan: true, serverSeqArr: [], transducerList: [], currentNo: 1, currentSize: 4, currentTime: '', sysTime: '', localTimeiv: '', eastEightDistrict: 8 * 60 * 60 * 1000, maxShowLength: 300, monitorList: [], monitorCache: [], jishiTime: '', jishiTime2: '' } }, computed: { monitorShowList() { return this.monitorList.slice((this.currentNo - 1) * this.currentSize, this.currentNo * this.currentSize) } }, created() { var that = this if (this.jishiTime) { clearTimeout(this.jishiTime) } if (urlParse('id')) { that.bridgeId = urlParse('id') that.bridgeName = urlParse('name') } else { that.bridgeId = Cookies.get('bridgeId') that.bridgeName = Cookies.get('bridgeName') } that.getDictoryData() queryInfo.qaiCb(function() { if (that.bridgeId) { that.serverSeqArr = queryInfo.queryServers(that.bridgeId, true) that.transducerList = queryInfo.queryTrans(that.bridgeId) if (that.serverSeqArr.length) { that.updateDataList() that.getDangerList() } } }) }, methods: { updateDataList() { var that = this clearTimeout(that.jishiTime) that.jishiTime = '' that.sysTime = '' that.monitorList = [] that.monitorCache = [] if (that.transducerList.length) { monModel.construct(that.monitorCache, that.transducerList) } that.getSysTime() }, getDangerList() { var that = this var arr = this.serverSeqArr const param = { seq: arr, pageSize: 5, pageNo: 1 } if (that.first_Dan) { that.loadprogress1 = true } getDangerList(param).then(res => { var dCache = that.dangerAidArr var DList = [] if (res.success && { if (that.first_Dan) { var dataF = that.first_Dan = false for (let i = 0; i < dataF.length; i++) { dCache.push(dataF[i].aid) if (dataF[i].alarmTime) { dataF[i].alarmTime = parseTime(dataF[i].alarmTime, true) } dataF[i].device = `${that.bridgeName}大桥${dataF[i].device}采集盒检测到异常情况` } that.dangerList = dataF } else { var dataS = for (let i = 0; i < dataS.length; i++) { DList.push(dataS[i].aid) if (dataS[i].alarmTime) { dataS[i].alarmTime = parseTime(dataS[i].alarmTime, true) } dataS[i].device = `${that.bridgeName}大桥${dataS[i].device}采集盒检测到异常情况` } if (!isEqualArr(DList, dCache)) { dCache = [] dCache = DList that.dangerList = dataS } } that.loadprogress1 = false if (that && !that._isDestroyed) { that.jishiTime2 = setTimeout(function() { if (that && !that._isDestroyed) { that.getDangerList(param) } }, 5000) } else { that.jishiTime2 = '' } } else { that.loadprogress1 = false } }) }, getSysTime() { var that = this var arr = this.serverSeqArr getSysTime({ seq: arr }).then(res => { if (res.success) { if ( && > 0) { const nowt = parseTime([0].ctime, true, true) that.sysTime = (new Date(nowt)).getTime() + that.eastEightDistrict - 2 * 1000 that.first_Q = true } else { that.sysTime = (new Date()).getTime() + that.eastEightDistrict - 2 * 1000 that.loadprogress2 = false } setTimeout(function() { const localTime = new Date().getTime() + that.eastEightDistrict that.localTimeiv = localTime - that.sysTime that.getTimingMonitor() }, 1) } }) }, formatTime(time) { var d = new Date() d.setTime(time) d = JSON.stringify(d).replace(/[^\d]/g, '').substring(0, 14) return d }, getTimingMonitor() { var that = this var arr = this.serverSeqArr var startTime = this.formatTime(this.sysTime) var endTime = this.formatTime(this.sysTime) that.sysTime += 1000 getMonitorByTime({ seq: arr, begin: startTime, end: endTime }).then(res => { var mList = [] if (res.success && { if (that.first_Q) { if ( { that.first_Q = false that.loadprogress2 = false var ftime =[0].ctime var f_q_t = that.sysTime for (;;) { var fts = that.formatTime(f_q_t) var ftsE = that.formatTime(f_q_t + 500) if (fts >= ftime) { if (fts > that.sysTime) { monModel.setData(that.monitorCache,, fts, ftsE, null) } } f_q_t += 1000 if (f_q_t > that.sysTime) { break } } for (let l = 0; l < that.monitorCache.length; ++l) { mList.push(that.monitorCache[l].cd) } } } else { var xtime = that.formatTime(that.sysTime) var xtimeE = that.formatTime(that.sysTime + 500) monModel.setData(that.monitorCache,, xtime, xtimeE, that.maxShowLength) for (let l = 0; l < that.monitorCache.length; ++l) { mList.push(that.monitorCache[l].cd) } } that.monitorList = mList if (that && !that._isDestroyed) { var st = new Date().getTime() + that.eastEightDistrict - that.localTimeiv var iv = that.sysTime - st if (iv < 0) { iv = 1 } that.jishiTime = setTimeout(function() { if (that && !that._isDestroyed) { that.getTimingMonitor() } }, iv) } else { that.jishiTime = '' } } }) }, getDictoryData() { const that = this queryDict.applyDict('ZLLX', function(dictData) { => { that.cableMain[item.code] = item.caption }) }) // 主缆 queryDict.applyDict('ZLWZ', function(dictData) { => { that.addr[item.code] = item.caption }) }) // 位置 queryDict.applyDict('XZQH', function(dictData) { => { that.citys[item.code] = item.fullCaption }) }) // 城市级联 }, handleCurrentChange(val) { this.currentNo = val }, alarmShow(id, flag, time, msg) { this.$router.replace({ name: 'dangerDetail', query: { aid: id, msg: msg, _t: time, flag: flag } }) }, queryDangerInfo() { this.$router.replace({ name: 'dangerList' }) }, queryMonitorInfo() { this.$router.replace({ name: 'bridgeMonitor' }) }, queryBirdgeInfo() { this.$refs.BInfoDialog01.dialogTableVisible = true }, queryServerInfo() { this.$refs.BInfoDialog02.queryServerList() this.$refs.BInfoDialog02.dialogTableVisible = true }, queryBoxInfo() { this.$refs.BInfoDialog03.queryDeviceList() this.$refs.BInfoDialog03.dialogTableVisible = true }, querySensorInfo() { this.$refs.BInfoDialog04.queryTransList() this.$refs.BInfoDialog04.dialogTableVisible = true }, updatePersonInfo() { this.$refs.updatePersonInfo.getUserSelf() this.$refs.updatePersonInfo.dialogTableVisible = true }, updateLoginPwd() { this.$refs.updateLoginPwd.dialogTableVisible = true } }, beforeDestroy() { this.$once('hook:beforeDestroy', () => { clearTimeout(this.jishiTime) clearTimeout(this.jishiTime2) }) } } </script>