namespace app\index\controller;
use daswork\Controller;
use daswork\lib\Config;
use app\index\model\MonthPicker;
use app\index\model\Commission;
use app\index\model\Company;
use app\index\model\Sales;
class Index extends Controller
public $maonth_picker;
public $commission;
public function __construct()
$this->maonth_picker = new MonthPicker();
$this->commission = new Commission();
public function index()
$slect_time = isset($_GET['select_time']) ? $_GET['select_time'] : '';
if ($slect_time != '') {
$this->maonth_picker->cur_month = $slect_time;
$this->assign('maonth_picker', $this->maonth_picker);
// $sql = "select sel.id,sel.name,su.id as su_id,su.other_expenses,su.overdraft,su.remark,sel.department from seller sel left join summary su on sel.name = su.name and su.month='$maonth_picker->cur_month';";
// $data = $this->mydb->select($sql);
// // var_dump($data);
// // exit;
// // 后勤
// $total_profit_all = 0;
// $tp_all = 0;
// $hq_rate = 0.05;
// $hq_tp_rate = 0.002;
// $hq_money_all = 0;
// $hq_tp_money_all = 0;
// // 郑总, 刘总
// // $ling_rate = 0.014;
// $ling1 = [
// 'rate' => 0.014,
// 'total_profit' => 0,
// 'tp' => 0,
// 'geren' => 0
// ];
// $ling2 = [
// 'rate' => 0.014,
// 'total_profit' => 0,
// 'tp' => 0,
// 'geren' => 0
// ];
// $other_expenses_all = 0;
// // 总计提成
// $all_money = 0;
// for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
// $value = $data[$i];
// $name = $value['name'];
// $sql_total_profit = "select sum(amount*(price-base_price)-agency-shipping-project) as total_profit from commission where seller='$name' and month='$maonth_picker->cur_month' and type=0";
// // echo $sql_total_profit . "<br/>";
// $res_total_profit = $mydb->query($sql_total_profit)->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);
// $value['total_profit'] = $res_total_profit['total_profit'];
// $value['g_rate'] = 0.25;
// $value['g_money'] = ($value['total_profit'] - $value['other_expenses']) * $value['g_rate'];
// // var_dump($value);
// $sql_tepi1 = "select sum((amount*price-agency-shipping)*(CASE WHEN (price/base_price)<1.05 THEN 0.01 WHEN (price/base_price)<1.1 THEN 0.015 ELSE 0.02 END)) as tp1 from commission where seller='$name' and month='$maonth_picker->cur_month' and type=1";
// // echo $sql_tepi1 . '<br>';
// $res_tepi1 = $mydb->query($sql_tepi1)->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC);
// // var_dump($res_tepi1);
// // slqite3 整数乘 1.0 可强制使用浮点除法 php 调用是 报无 floor 函数
// // "select sum((amount*price-agency-shipping)*(floor((((price/base_price - 1) / 0.1) * 0.01 + 0.01) * 100)*1.0 / 100)) from commission where seller='$name' and month='$maonth_picker->cur_month' and type=2";
// $sql_tepi2 = "select amount,price,agency,shipping,base_price from commission where seller='$name' and month='$maonth_picker->cur_month' and type=2";
// // echo $sql_tepi2 . "<br/>";
// $res_tepi2 = $mydb->query($sql_tepi2);
// $data_tepi2 = 0;
// // var_dump($result);exit;
// while ($arr = $res_tepi2->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) {
// // var_dump($arr);
// $data_tepi2 += ($arr['amount'] * $arr['price'] - $arr['agency'] - $arr['shipping']) * (floor(((($arr['price'] / $arr['base_price'] - 1) / 0.1) * 0.01 + 0.01) * 100) * 1.0 / 100);
// }
// $value['tepi'] = $res_tepi1['tp1'] + $data_tepi2;
// $value['t_rate'] = 1;
// $value['t_money'] = $value['tepi'] * $value['t_rate'];
// $value['s_money'] = $value['g_money'] + $value['t_money'] + $value['overdraft'];
// }
public function test()
$data = "test--dasdsd";
$this->assign('data', $data);
public function market()
$slect_time = isset($_GET['select_time']) ? $_GET['select_time'] : '';
if ($slect_time != '') {
$this->maonth_picker->cur_month = $slect_time;
$this->assign('maonth_picker', $this->maonth_picker);
$company = new Company();
$data_company = $company->listByName();
public function salesData()
$sales = new Sales();
echo json_encode(['code' => 0, 'data'=>$sales->data]);
$sales->data = null; // 清空数据